News in the gallery

The last half year passed pretty fast, because there were lots of private changes, for example we moved from the city. I have never photographed so little in recent years as in the past half year.

Nevertheless, and it surprises me myself: I have produced just as many gallery pictures as the years before. With almost half the time the same amount of pictures. I think there were 3 main reasons for that...

First of all I had luck and nothing but luck 😊 Because many photo sessions (e.g. the best session of my life) were extremely productive and our last trips were always characterized by very good photo conditions. One day this will be different again (like several times in 2016), but then I have no reason to complain 😉

In addition, I was also able to improve the "success rate" per day of work. For example because of the spot research: at first glance, there are interesting locations that are not really versatile on site. They allow only few perspectives and are also not very flexible with regard to the weather conditions. I am learning more and more to recognize such spots and to avoid them (as long as there are better alternatives 😊).

At good photo destinations you often have the choice between 1-2 sunrise/sunset places. In the centre of Asturias, for example, there are more than 200 beaches (!!!) which can all be reached within about 1 hour. Pretty big choice, isn't it? Here, one collects ever more experience to make the better decision.

But now move on to the gallery: in total I was able to add 175 pictures from the last 5 months:

  • 30 of them in my Iceland categories
  • I also added 85 pictures to my Wildlife portfolio
  • And last but not least, I have finally improved my Spain portfolio in the landscape category - I waited a long time for this, because I was quite dissatisfied with this portfolio, because most of the pictures were taken from my photographic beginnings: I was able to add 42 pictures in here
  • In addition, I was able to add a handful in each of the categories Aerials, Plants and Colors & Forms

Well, and in terms of the next projects - unfortunately I missed the highlight of autumn a bit, but I'm looking forward to the coming weeks and December, when we will certainly use the weekends for exciting trips again, because the house is ready, the boxes are unpacked and even the electricity is running 😉

I wish you all the best,
